Articles tagged under: waterhemp
Managing Waterhemp in Canola
Published December 6, 2024
Canola acres continue to increase in Minnesota. NDSU Extension weed specialist Joe Ikley says that creates waterhemp management concerns because of limited chemistry compared to corn and soybeans. "We have a couple of pre-plant incorporated options and we're going to have…Clean Fields Critical During Emergence
Published November 26, 2024
Syngenta Agronomy Service Representative Phil Krieg says weed pressure during corn emergence can negatively impact growth throughout the plant’s life. "Early season weed control means everything to yield," said Krieg. "We always see an advantage to controlling weeds early, controlling…2,4-D Resistant Waterhemp Likely in IA
Published February 19, 2024
Corteva has reported the discovery of a suspected 2,4-D resistant waterhemp population in north-central Iowa. A Corteva employee collected two samples of waterhemp seed , one from plants in the field and one from plants growing in the ditch next…Resurrecting Old Chemistries
Published January 14, 2024
Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative Research Agronomist David Mettler will continue to look for new ways to use old chemistries in 2024. “We are resurrecting some of these older products,” said Mettler. “We’re not really getting any new products and…Challenges Seen With Kochia, Waterhemp
Published January 10, 2024
Despite a late start to planting, a record sugarbeet crop was seen this past year. At the Sugarbeet Research Reporting Session, Extension Sugarbeet Specialist TomPeters said he is concerned about weed control. "I'm worried a lot about kochia and your audience already…Waterhemp is Here to Stay
Published July 19, 2023
Waterhemp is covering more acres every year. NDSU Extension Weed Specialist Joe Ikley says the weed is widespread across the southern part of the state. "It is continuing to spread north every year we get a flood event or waterfowl…Waterhemp Control
Published May 11, 2023
Weeds, like waterhemp, are emerging with the warmer weather. University of Minnesota Extension Weed Control Specialist Dr. Debalin Sarangi says sprayers should follow quickly after planters. "We are rushing with planting, but weeds are also rushing to come out. Pre-emergence…Weed Management in Late Planting
Published April 20, 2023
A late spring will cause weed management issues. NDSU Extension Sugarbeet Agronomist Tom Peters recommends making those weed management plans now. "If you can plant early, it's possible you can skip a pre-application and be ready to go with in-season…Lake Region Known for Waterhemp
Published January 7, 2023
Benson County Extension Agent Scott Knoke is seeing waterhemp and Palmer amaranth spread across North Dakota. "Waterhemp is all over about 34 counties on the eastern half of North Dakota. Most populations are only a few plants but there are…