Articles tagged under: Ever.Ag
Class III Milk Moves Higher
Published August 29, 2024
The price for dairy cattle and Class III milk are holding strong. Ever Ag Marketing analyst Jenny Wackershauser said tight cattle supplies are a large factor. “It actually ties a lot back to the beef herd.” With more dairy cows…Dairy Herd Expansion May be Delayed
Published July 23, 2024
Class III milk prices have been stronger lately. “It’s much better than what we were facing earlier in the year,” said Mike North, producer division president, Ever Ag. With falling feed costs and rising milk prices, profitability may be on the horizon.…A Closer Look at the Corn Yields and Ending Stocks
Published September 12, 2022
USDA is forecasting corn yields at 172.5 bushels per acre, in-line with trade expectations. Ever.Ag market analyst Jenny Wackershauser is interested in the U.S. corn ending stocks data from the September USDA report. "We're sitting at 1.2 billion on corn.…Tight Supplies
Published June 10, 2022
The grain trade continues to be driven by cash demand. "Ethanol margins are trading at healthy values and so are soybean crush margins," says Britt O'Connell, market analyst, Ever.Ag. "As we talk with buyers, they indicate they are having a…Trying to Get a Handle on Ukrainian Ag Production
Published June 6, 2022
Ever.Ag market analyst Cole Adams says grain traders are trying to predict global supplies and what happens between Russia and Ukraine. "Traders are thinking about worst case scenarios. They are positioning themselves in case the meeting goes well," says Adams.…Profit-Taking in Wheat Markets Going Into Weekend
Published May 20, 2022
There was profit-taking in the wheat markets on Friday. Ever Ag market analyst Matt Tranel says that follows the run up in prices following India’s export ban. "That wasn't necessarily a surprise, but it was a disappointment to the markets.…Buying Acres
Published October 27, 2021
With spring wheat at more than $10 per bushel, Ever.Ag market analyst Matt Tranel expects wheat to buy acres. The unknown is where those acres will come from. "How many acres really do move out of a different crop into…The Grain Market’s Attention Shifts to U.S. Acreage
Published March 1, 2021
As March begins and spring planting gets closer, Ever.Ag President Mike North says acreage discussions are top-of-mind. "We got the USDA's expectations at the Ag Outlook Forum. The combined corn and soybean acreage will be the highest on record if…