Episode Description:
Bill Lambert made a split second deciison and it cost him his life on February 7, 2002. While at work in Leonard, North Dakota, Lambert dislodged crusted corn in a grain bin and there was no way to escape once the grain began to flow. “When his site supervisor hears the belt squealing on the auger, he came running to check on Bill and by the time he got there all he could see was the tips of Bill’s fingers above the corn,” said Dawn Chisholm. Dawn and Bill had three young children at the time.and the entire family was impacted by this tragedy. Dawn, who has since remarried, says this tragedy was overwhelming. “That first year you are in shock, I think you just go into survival mode, but living in a small community, everyone rallies around you.” In the TransFARMation podcast, Dawn said we all have those ‘if only’ moments. “We all do things that we think we can get away with; it may be taking a quick look at our phone, texting and driving.” Dawn now lives at Hawley, Minnesota and shares her inspirational story throughout the Midwest. Listen to the full podcast.