Catie Erickson is a 4-H and FFA member from Fertilie, Minnesota. Erickson showed a Dorset ewe at the Minnesota State Fair. That’s after an impressive run at the county fair. “I had reserve champion market steer; grand and reserve champion breeding ewe, reserve champion market wether, reserve champion market gilt and reserve champion market barrow.” Erickson also worked at the Miracle of Birth Center at State Fair. She says 4-H and FFA helped her step outside of her comfort zone. “I’m naturally a very shy, keep-to-myself kind of person and they have really pushed me ahead to try new things. Because of the people around me, they’ve encouraged me to try to step out and try new things.” This is Erickson’s final year of high school and is planning on attending either North Dakota State University or South Dakota State University for animal science. Listen to the story.